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“Dubai is an absolute monarchy that is part of the dictatorship of the United Arab Emirates,” the letter added. “We are deeply concerned by your decision to produce and launch the latest edition of the Real Housewives series in Dubai,” the letter read. Several human rights organizations are slamming Andy Cohen and Bravo over their new show The Real Housewives of Dubai, demanding that the network publicly announce its opposition to violence against women and anti-gay laws enacted in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates.Ī group of 12 separate organizations sent a letter to Bravo, its parent company NBCUniversal, and the production company Truly Original, expressing concern with the series, according to a report by Yahoo! Entertainment.

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Human Rights Orgs Slam Andy Cohen’s ‘Real Housewives of Dubai’, #Human #Rights #Orgs #Slam #Andy #Cohens #Real #Housewives #Dubai Welcome to O L A S M E D I A TV N E W S, This is what we have for you today:

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